Monday, December 7, 2009

i'm going to be an aunt

and the baby shower was this weekend! he might be arriving earlier than scheduled...we may be in store for a christmas baby!


  1. I love the baby boy garland on the tree. Congrats to the parents and aunt-to-be! Boys are awesome.

  2. good luck with being an aunt! babies are amazing, I cant wait to be a mommy (I would say aunt but I'm the oldest and my sister pregnant is just a scary thought).

    PS: what do you use to edit your photos, they always look so pretty, I have photo envy

  3. @ sherri - I'm SOOOO glad they are having a boy

    @ Jennifer - thanks! I use photoshop. I just tweek some hue and saturation settings until I like what I see :)

  4. Congrats! I'm about to be aunt again (this will be the forth). It's so exciting to have a new baby to cuddle!


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