Saturday, February 6, 2010

this week...

.....spent an entire day editing photos and still didn't finish them all
...M & I saw Avatar, we're probably two of the last people on the planet to see it.
....came up with a new way to use my granny squares
...baked cupcakes (from scratch) for the office potluck
...was psyched for (and confused by) the Lost premiere
...didn't get to the gym NEARLY enough
...resisted office snack temptations like a CHAMP ("Oreos? No thank you!")
...bought in to my first super bowl pool
...rediscovered my hate for people who work in customer service and refuse to be competent at their jobs

...and last but not least, m & I are celebrating a windshielddiaries milestone: this week we welcomed our 100th follower! thank you all for reading and your lovely comments! we love you all!

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. good job on the office snack resisting! i caved-in big time yesterday :(

    p.s. i know one person who hasn't seen avatar yet so you are not the last! :)

  2. you rock capow... can't wait to get crafty tomorrow with you!

  3. yay, congrats on 100 followers!

    & way to resist oreos. i definitely lack that ability haha ;)

  4. Totally agree on the LOST part, but still totally amazing! Congrats on your 100th! You need to give me advice on how to get people to read a blog!!

  5. haven't seen Avatar either...should I?

  6. wasn't avatar amaaazing!?! congrats on hitting 100! (: xo

  7. Totally confused by lost as well! Congrats lady!


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