Thursday, November 4, 2010

You'll be missed buddy

My good friends lost their best friend today. He was one of the best dogs I've ever met. My love goes out to them in this tough time.

We'll miss you, Shmelbe

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. Pets are truly members of a family and I am sorry for your their loss

  2. oh your poor friend! i'm so sorry. losing a loved one is not easy. sending you and your friend my thoughts and hugs!

  3. sending good thoughts...

    so sad to lose a furry life partner, but the joy they bring is more incalcuable.

  4. What a sweet little doggie. My heart goes out to that family <3 <3

  5. Aww. adorable. Sorry for their loss :(

  6. oh this makes me so sad to hear. :( my heart goes out to them.

  7. I'm so sorry about that. Good thing they have friends like you.

  8. Aww... what a hard thing to deal with. I'm so sorry that they have to go through this. And I'm sorry to you too! What a sweet looking dog.


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