Wednesday, December 15, 2010

our tree

 M, "cutting down" our christmas tree! ;)

 Neatly folded.

 Put together and fluffed up!

 Styles is unimpressed.

 Our favorite Christmas time scent!

 Miyagi supervises M as he strings the lights.

The tree with lights and candy canes. We decided not to trim it fully yet because the dangling ornaments would be too tempting for the cats to play with, but even bare I still love it!


  1. it looks really pretty bare! i think it looks like a snow covered evergreen right in your living room :)

  2. Ooh, I really like the look of the white tree! With the lights on, it reminds me of white icing with sprinkles

  3. I love the white tree!! The candy canes are so cute! =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  4. it's so cute! ours is pink, but i still love the artificial trees. they look so kawaii to me.

  5. I don't think my first comment went through but i basically said i love your tree! ^_^


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