Saturday, April 17, 2010

this week...

...really craved some pistachio ice cream
...split fajitas with m at our favorite local Mexican joint
...caught up on the last 2 episodes of Lost...whoa. thankful for the record week in sales at the CAPow! etsy shop! I <3 my customers! (and readers!!)
...a night out with beer and good friends.
...need to find a way to control cravings. hunger pains I can deal with, but sometimes cravings turn into OBSESSIONS! diana-mini arrived!

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. I have not had pistachio ice cream in about 4 years. Goodness I miss it.

  2. I just got a diana too and I love her! It is, quite possibly, the most fun I've had with a camera. yet. It's my first film camera though so... that probably has something to do with it. :) I'd really like to learn to develop my own film soon so I don't have to rely on the processing center.

    I hear you on those cravings! I've recently started munching on carrot sticks and wheat thins just so I don't keep going after the really bad stuff! :)
    Have a great rest of the weekend. Congrats on the etsy shop sales!

  3. Fajitas sound amazing right about now! Congrats on your Etsy sales, too!

  4. whoa!!! i know i havent been blogging much lately but is this a new blog??? i mean its fire baby.


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