Saturday, June 12, 2010

this week...

...went to the Racino and turned $10 into $40!
...made strawberry frozen yogurt from scratch!
...found out the bakery around the corner from the office bakes macarons! ...did I mention my office is moving to a different city on Monday? FAIL!
...caught up with a good friend over some delicious sushi
...was interviewed for a "man on the street" segment for a local paper, and gave a really stupid answer.
...said goodbye to the beautiful office in Historic Downtown Troy.

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. I had two separate man on the st. interviews when I was a college student in athens. both made me sound like a complete moron. if that makes you feel any better!

  2. Strawberry frozen yogurt from scratch. YUM! Do share the recipe!

  3. macarons! i just ordered some through the mail.ive never had any but they always look so yummy!


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