Saturday, May 29, 2010

this week...

...watched m dig a hole in the ground.
...our good friends Jeff & Jen got engaged! congrats guys!
...more confused than ever by Lost
...took a nice long pre-dinner walk
...wasted half my morning at the DMV
...watched millions of pollen puffs float through the air like snowflakes
...realized that I am so completely clueless when interacting with babies that I just might end up becoming one of those cheek pinching aunts...
...watched lightening in the distance while chatting by a campfire google reader has been busted ALL week , so I haven't been able to catch up on all your blogs :(

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. i've tried to watch Lost but it's so confusing! lol

  2. Oh my gosh - between the DMV, baby confusion and Lost, we might have had the same week!


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